I get it. Time, location, and financial freedom all sound too good to be true. Whenever we see these words come across our screens, it's easy to assume that someone is just trying to sell their “get rich quick” course.
But in reality, there are many people who are joining the ranks of those who have complete time, location, and financial freedom in life, the “new rich”, every single day. And the thing is, it’s not as complicated or taboo as you might think.
Are you wanting to have more time freedom so you can quit the rat race, enjoy more moments with loved ones, and live life on your own terms?
You Absolutely Can.
By implementing the right income strategies and quitting the 9-5, you can absolutely make this idea of complete life freedom a reality. I did it. And you can, too.
Hi, my name is Amber, and I want to personally welcome you to MrMoneyMagnet.com!
I created this website so I could help people learn how to become entrepreneurs, make a living without a 9-5, and not make the same mistakes that I did on my financial journey.
I do not fit the bill of most online entrepreneurs. The first reason being I am neither a college dropout nor do I have a rags to riches story. I started off as a full time finance professional who was making a decent living working in a high stress job in an international bank.
Then, after 12 years in the industry I lost my passion, quit my job , took a year of break and started pursuing the obvious choices for making money online, i.e. - Affiliate marketing, Amazon FBA and Real Estate Investing.
After about 2 years of learning, losing tons of cash and almost giving up, I eventually found success, and now have a dependable stream of income.
It is important to note, that I did not start my entrepreneurial journey till I was in my late 30s.
It was one of the most inconvenient time to quit my job as COVID had just onset, my wife and me had a cute son and she took a sabbatical to take care of the kid thereby leaving the family with just one source of income. To top it all, we had a massive real estate loan on a property that was not renting out. It was one of the most challenging moments in my life but also one of the most self healing and rewarding.

The definition of entrepreneurship, that we see on the internet, is that you need to start in your teens or twenties in order to “make it”. Quotes like, “Its difficult to teach old dog new tricks” or “The market is too saturated and you have missed the prime” are very disheartening when you are starting out in your late thirties or forties and have a limited circle of people to relate to. But I can assure you, “IT’S NEVER TOO LATE”.
I had to overcome demons that I never thought existed in order to pursue my dream. I promise you, if you stick to your goal, you will achieve way more than what you had thought you would. I am nowhere near being a success story; but nonetheless, with this new business, I now have the freedom of time, place and money to pursue the activities I want, with whom I want and when I want - this to me is the ultimate definition of success.

My happy place has always been the wilderness. Growing up in a very middle class family in India, I would look forward to the 1 vacation we got when we would visit a place in the hills. My passion for hills converted into a full time sport of mountaineering and climbing and over the years I have hiked and climbed in 4 different continents, across 18 different countries.
Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? Humble brag, I know, but never in my life did I think I’d accomplish this.

However I was never free enough to pursue extensive travels or impromptu trips as the pressure of a high stress job was always on the mind. Growing up without money, the golden handcuffs of a well paying job had always stopped me from pursuing a business that could have given me the freedom of time and money. It was only after having my son that I realized, that I did not want him to grow seeing me in my hapless state. So even with 1 dependent source of income and liabilities ahead, I resigned. Its said, you cannot test the depth of water from land. Its very true. I struggled for a year, was miserable, lost tons of money but eventually I figured it out. And once you figure it out, it becomes a bit easy from thereon.

I now make equivalent money that I was making when I was employed full-time but the difference is, I have more time and knowledge to figure out additional ways to multiply my income. I started this blog in December of 2021 with a goal to help people find the right sources to start a business online. I will post regularly on softwares, courses, methods through which you can generate a substantial amount of income online. I want you to avoid the expensive mistakes I did early on in my entrepreneurial journey. Be rest assured that anything and everything I post here is vetted and tested by me and my team and then recommended to my audience. Be sure to join my mailing list for weekly updates, news and offers.
Am Glad you visited my page and read about me. If you have any question please feel free to reach out at amber@mrmoneymagnet.com
Wishing you the Best !!