The Perfecting Bogging Course - Overview:
In today’s super competitive digital marketplace, is it really realistic to expect making money from your blog? Blogging is one of the 4 most common ways of making money online (Others being Dropshipping, Amazon FBA and Affiliate Marketing). However not every blog turns profitable. In fact, 9 out of 10 blogs don't make any money at all during their lifetime.

But this statistic is irrelevant as most blog owners have no idea how to structure or monetize their blog. The blogging market is actually on the incline. According to the latest Stats - there are currently 32 million bloggers in US alone. This number grew by 10 million between the years 2014 to 2020. These bloggers generate approximately 70 million new content (posts / pages) every month. With most blogs geared up for monetization through content marketing, this industry stands at $412 Bn as of 2021 and is poised to grow exponentially in the future.

All of this endorses the fact that effective and strategically planned blogging can generate substantial cash flow for blog owners. However, blogging is not easy. Much like any other business model, a well curated, customer appeasing blog takes time, planning and dedication. The best way to get started, for beginners, is to shadow the strategies laid out by well established bloggers and this is where Sophia Lee’s Perfecting Blogging course can help get the results you want. Her strategy has allowed her blog, which she started as a sophomore in college, to earn a five figure salary (per month) consistently over the last couple of years. Her students too have tasted success and many of them have converted their passion for blogging into a full time income using her laid out strategies.
Blogging allows you to create content that suits your expertise. By specializing in the niche and converting your blog into an authoritative source, you can convert your passion into a full-time business model that can provide you both time and financial freedom. Making money online through blogging follows the below basic steps:
- Create a blog and add valuable content
- Drive traffic to your blog (both paid and organic)
- Start monetization by:
- Promoting other peoples product
- Running Ads and Guest Blogs
By running advertisements on your blog or by embedding affiliate links for promotion, you can start monetization by generating commission for successful clicks or purchases.
This straightforward business plan seems easy but directing enough traffic to your website can be tricky. This is where experienced content creators like Sophia Lee, who have tried and tested the traffic techniques for years, can fine tune your blogging skills to ensure success. Setting up a blog, without prior experience, may seem daunting. You can shorten your learning curve by investing in this blogging course which can hone your skills and provide you a step by step guide to a successful blog!

Still unsure if Perfecting Blogging by Sophia Lee is the course for you? Here at, we review and recommend the best blogging courses that we think will help you achieve your goals. We have reviewed the Perfect Blogging course to bring you its key features, so that you know exactly what to expect from it.
What is the Perfecting Blogging course by Sophia Lee?
Perfecting Blogging course by Sophia Lee is a beginner friendly “blogging for business course” that provides advice on how to design and set up your own profitable blog. Sophia Lee’s strategy to funnel in traffic to your blog is particularly useful as it highlights the importance of social media platforms such as Pinterest. Furthermore, she talks about how to manage your blog effectively, such that it can be a side-hustle that makes the income of a full-time job.

Sophia’s Blogging Strategy can be summarized in the below highlights:
- Learn blogging: how to set up a blog that can get up to 500,000 page views a month and can earn a five figure salary
- How to build your brand by creating your niche to filter consistent traffic to your page
- Complete monetization techniques for your blog, with detailed guides to follow for beginners.
- Advanced techniques to further grow your blog and income
We have reviewed Perfecting Blogging to see if this course really fulfills these claims and if implementing Sophia’s strategy can add value to your blog.
Sophia’s strategy starts by focussing on the importance of blog design. A well-designed blog is more likely to have a viewer stay on the page for long and explore other posts / pages. A friendly aesthetic interface welcomes viewers and captivates their attention by diverting them to blog posts / content that will satiate their need. Second, the course focuses a lot on how to start writing content, frame blog titles and know when to post. A blog that posts content consistently is more likely to generate traffic and monetize than a blog that posts content every once in a while. Lastly, Sophia shows how to monetize your blog using affiliate links and advertisements without making it feel like the reader is being manipulated into purchasing things. She stresses the importance of making the reader feel more involved by creating a more personable experience.
The above simple and effective strategy is perfect for beginners who want to test out the blogging waters.
Who is Sophia Lee?

Starting her blog during her sophomore year in college, Sophia Lee has grown her blog - “By Sophia Lee” into a business model that earns her $70,000 a month. However things did not happen overnight. It took consistent effort and a couple of years for her blog to generate consistent full time income. Sophia writes about home and dorm decor, providing her readers with easy to follow checklists for college packing, small apartments, holiday decor among others. She recommends products that she has tried and loved. This builds trust in her community of readers. Her blogs are informative, concise and easy to follow. Whatever she recommends seems practical to the reader, while also giving them a nudge to make purchases from the affiliate links or ads that are on the page. Sophia has established herself as an influencer in the niche of home decor and maintenance. In her course she mentions that her followers are committed to her content hence even if she writes a blog post on a topic that is slightly out of her area of expertise, it comes off as informative and trusted. Her years of experience make her a smart and trustworthy blogger.
Building a blog is time consuming. It took nearly three years for Sophia, who at the time was a full-time college student, to get her blog to approximately 500,000 views in a month. The profits from her blog allowed her to pay off her college debt and become financially independent. She is open to her audience about the money she makes by uploading monthly income reports. Her own success story inspired her to offer courses on the art and discipline of blogging. The course is simple, easy to follow and addresses a lot of questions she has gained from experience which is generally not available in other courses on offer.
What is the Cost of Perfecting Blogging ?
The course is priced very competitively at $139. In comparison to some of the peer courses on offer, the price of this course is relatively inexpensive. The course is designed for beginners. Sophia really covers the smaller details about blogging and coming up with the right keywords using her Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy to get more hits online. Reviews from people who who have taken her course say it unravels a lot of secret, smaller nuances that other bloggers may forget to focus on. The course lays a strong foundation for a high traffic blog. In our list of courses, we definitely recommend Perfect Blogging as one of our top blogging courses of 2022. The initial investments that the course suggests, are minuscule compared to the potential amount of money you can generate using the laid out strategies. This course is relatively cheap which makes it all the more perfect for beginners who are ready to commit!
Structure of the Perfecting Blogging Course:
Being a beginner friendly course, the course begins with the real basics of what is required to set up a blog, the hosting company, the domain, the theme templates, plugins etc. Sophia highlights the importance of choosing a self-hosting WordPress domain as that gives the blogger more agency. This is because if the hosting service owns your domain, they may not be liable for future changes including the possible loss of your website. Sophia recommends Bluehost for investing in a good self-hosting domain service.
The course then moves on to cover how to write good, impactful blog posts that can catch the eye of your reader. These blogging classes, which are in video format, are accompanied by PDFs, links to resources and other complementary content that help understand the topic with ease. Once you are set up with your blog and start writing posts regularly, the course guides you on how to start making money through Google ads and affiliate marketing. For displaying advertisements on your blog, the course further guides you on how to approach Google ads to get approval for your domain.
The curriculum looks like below (with the timings of the module in parenthesis):
#1 - Welcome to the Perfecting Blogging Master Course!:
- Welcome to Perfecting Blogging! (4:45)
- What You Need For This Course (6:02)
- Who is Sophia? (3:19)
#2 - Perfecting Blogging: Really Freakin' Important Things You Need To Know About Blogging:
- The ONE Thing That You Must Know For A Successful Blog (3:23)
- How I Chose My Niche + What You Need To Know About Choosing Your Own (9:37)
#3 - Perfecting Blogging: Setting Up A Website That Your Readers Will Trust
- Why I Think The Wav Your Website Looks Is INSANELY Important To Having A Fast-Growing website (1:35)
- What To Name Your Blog (5:37)
- 4 Important Things I Looked For When Buying A Theme (5:18)
- How I Save Time While Still Making My Graphics Look GOOD (5:02)
- Where Get My Fonts + Pictures From (6:55)
- What You Need To Include In Your Blog's Menu (3:29)
- What To Include In Your About Page (3:08)
- How I Blogged Anonymously for Two Years (1:47)
#4 - Perfecting Blogging: Content, Content, Content The MOST Important Thing I'Il Teach You:
- About Blogging
- Why Content Planning Is My Bread + Butter (1:25)
- Keyword Research Template
- How I Come Up With Post Ideas I KNOW People Will Read (14:50)
- Printable Content Calendar
- The Power of Content Calendars + How | Plan My Content (3:40)
- How Far In Advance You Should Be Need To Be Postina Content (6:49)
- The Three Styles of Posts I Write (4:19)
- How To Deal With People Copying Your Blog (2:27)
- Why UPGL's Are Just As Important as PGL's (1:32)
#5 - Perfecting Blogging: The Exact Steps I Take When Writing Every Single Blog Post
- You Need To Be Thinking About This The Entire Time You Write A Blog Post (1:18)
- The Tools I Use For Writing Blog Posts (3:40)
- My Formula For Titling A Blog Post (2:54)
- How | Include Keywords In A Blog Post (IMPORTANT!) 11:08
- What if my keyword is super weird? 1:58
- What To Include In Every Blog Post Introduction (15:22)
- How To Write The "Meat" Of a Post (22:22)
- Exactly How I End A Post (and extra things I add to each blog post to take it to the next level (4:25)
- Exactlv How We Use Thrive Architect at BSL (8:38)
- The Exact Checklist I Use When Writing A Blog Post
#6 - Perfecting Blogging: The Techniques I Use To Make Money From My Blog
- Affiliate Marketing - How I Make Money From My Readers Without Being Salesy (4:02)
- The Importance of a Recommendations Page (2:41)
- Ads (2:58)
- My (winding) History with Mediavine (3:53)
#7 - Perfecting Blogging: Affiliates
Want to become an affiliate for Perfecting Blogging?
#8 - Perfecting Blogging: Worksheets + Printables
#9 - Perfecting Blogging: BONUS SECTION!
- Intro To The Bonus Section (0:48)
- For The Love of "Backlinks" (2:15)
- The Exact List of Plugins | Use On (3:01)
- Where do you look at your traffic? (1:54)
- You're going to need thick skin for this... (2:52)
- How to Stay Motivated When Page Views are Low (1:49)
Pros and Cons of Perfecting Blogging
Being a complete blogging course Sophia’s course gets a lot of things right. Something that stand out are:
Reviews on the course are available on Sophia Lee’s website, and all the feedback suggests that this blogging course for beginners equips you with proficient blogging skills and tons of useful tips. The course is easy and simple to follow. Sophia’s strategy is to finesse the technique of blogging to ensure a high number of page views. This directly impacts your income as affiliate marketing as advertising displays like to promote ads on busy pages on the internet. Sophia connects the dots of effective blog design to a unique SEO formula to deliver results in just a few months. If you want to learn the best practices for impactful blogging, do not hesitate to invest in Perfecting Blogging by Sophia Lee.
We have formulated the list of Best Blogging Courses here. Click to check which one suits you best!! Happy Learning